H'art Centre is launching a new season and plans for monthly art projects under the slogan, “Finding Good”. “People have been isolated, missing friends and loved ones, feeling bored, tired, stuck, and out of shape,” said Katherine Porter, Executive Director of H’art...
2020 Celebrating Accessibility Awards
The City of Kingston informed us we will receive the Celebrating Accessibility Award at a virtual ceremony this year. We will receive the award for developing virtual inclusive arts programming best practices in response to the pandemic. Our main goal was to maintain...
Your time to train: MixAbilities
H'art Centre will issue a call to community artists in January. The call will invite them to apply for the next round of our MixAbilities Inclusive Arts Training Program. MixAbilities helps community artists and educators effectively and empathetically support...
Virtual program prepares for growth
What's next for "Virtual H'art Studio"? In 2021, H'art will enrich its content and expand its reach. We will look at what made the 2020 Zoom workshops successful. The team will dig into feedback from participants, staff, and consultants. From there, the administration...